Kadang2 ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan petir dan kilat, Kita tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, Rupa-rupanya ALLAH memberi kita pelangi.
September 19, 2008
no updates
September 15, 2008
.sembang s a h u r.

September 14, 2008
kan aku dah ckp....
SABTU... bgn pon dah pukul 12 kan....
on9 on9 sampai lebam...
pukul 3 siap2 si BF dtg amek...
went to KLCC... jalan2 pusing2 BF cr baju raya....
masuk Quicksilver, Topshop, AX, Philosophy dan macam2 lg...
n then kami berbuka di food court RASA ape tah name die..
kat atas skali KLCC tu... broke, so buke kat food court je...
hahahahaha... =) both of us mkn nasi ayam je sbb terlalu byk menu..
so x taw nk pilih mane satu...

mmm..sempat jgk la aku bergado ng BF b4 buke tu...=)
mira mira.... sume salah aku sbnrnye.. aku yg cr psl...
tp aku taw die xkan marah aku lebeyh2...=)
bcoz he loves me more than i love him...
after buke tu, went to the toilet!!! around 7.45pm
waaa!!!! tidak.. big NO NO NO!!!
aku period...xtaw la pose aku td tu batal ke x kan...
nasib baik aku bwk pad...settle!
after dat went tu Hospital Ampang Putri...
kawan si BF baru lepas operate tulang belakang...
lepak2 sembang2 tny khabar....
then blah pegi wangsa maju plak rumah Awal..
yang kawen aritu....saje je nk tgk gmbr kawen.
hehehe.... then me chow balik Bangi alone..
si BF x larat nk hantar so he gave me his car.
blk bilik on9 n bloging!
end of the day...
September 13, 2008
weekend lagi...
my plan for this weekend:
- finish up the lab reports... 4 experiments ok!! need to be submit on next Friday.but i plan to finish it earlier bcoz i got 2 mid sem exam next week. so i got more time to study...hopefully!
- study!!! ATOMIC PHYSICS n RADIOEKOLOGI r waiting for u gurl.
but i dont think its gonna work... hahahaha... semua itu kurang menarik minat saya!!!!
on9, blogging, watching movies, hang out with BF, n etc. are more interesting.
for 2 days for weekend is not enuf... need 20 days for weekend every weeks!! hahaha...
how come it wanna be like that ppl???
i dun hv enuf time to study, to on9, to hang out with BF!!!!
not enuf not enuf not enuf!!!
inilah mira yg tamak...
September 12, 2008
September 10, 2008
September 9, 2008
no title
i've spend the weekend at BF's house...
Saturday... went to the saloon...
got new hair peeps!!!
the BF also coloured his hair... but he was a lil bit upset coz his hair colour was not end up like a bright colour that he wanted.
that was a dull one.. hahaha..pity u..
i told u already tat u dont have to colour ur hair since u got a golden highlights.
a really nice highlights.. but u're stubborn. dont want to listen to me.
now u see what happened.. PADAN MUKA!
= si BF before he colour his hair =
= si BF & me / after saloon =

we had buke puasa together at a restaurant around Ampang.
forgot the restaurant's name.
aiyoo..blom tua lg dah pelupe.
then we went to klcc...
jalan2 window shopping and then end up lepak at Coffee Bean again n again!!!!!
= si BF with his cookies =
= my choc chip muffin =
then we went to Danau Kota with Jeff, Nashrul n Amy.
diorang beli itu ini sket.
aku beli asam jeruk je..hahahaha...jalan2 sambil makan2 jeruk tu. abes jugak!
blk tu ingat nk lepak makan nasi lemak at Bunga Raya, tp ramai org plak, mls nk cr parking.
then kitorg tros blah blk ampang.
Sunday... his mom kejut me bgn sahur but i am really tired to wake up since i just sleep. bgn minum air and makan roti bun je. xde selera nk join BF n his mom makan nasi.
tido blk....zzzzzz......
bangun around 12 pm! hahaha... seorg perempuan di rumah bakal mertuanya bgn selewat ini??? memalukan!!! ape la ko nih MIRA...
went to the saloon again to steam the hair.
after dat teman siBF beli2 baju at Sg. Wang.
then pegi Bazaar Ramadhan. the BF call it Pasar Juadah..hahaha..
first time dgr org panggil mcm tu...=)
we had buke puase at Damansara.. siBF punye kakak's house. wit his mom also..
we bought kueh tepung pelita n popia goreng...
tepung pelita itu sungguh2 sedap dah melazatkan!
buke puase mkn nasi lemak n spagheti...
time berbuke tu bley plak si Effy (kakak's son) menjerit2 takotkan kelkatu yg sesat dari mane tah.sekor je plak tu.
*mummy, im scared.*
*no need to scared boy... it won't bite u. just finish ur spagheti*
*i dont want this. i want meggi*
time berbuke bley mintak meggi..?? hahahaha..
haih, kalo aku ade anak macam ni, sabar je la... dah la comel je...
si Effy ni mmg speaking kat rumah.
and die nih sgt2 lah manja okay.
lepaked at kakak's house till 11pm then the BF sent me back to UKM Bangi.
his mom sempat tapau me the spagheti for sahur. yummy! thanx Su for the nice spagheti..
FYI, Su is the maid at kakak's. She is a Indonesian. she made the spagheti.
= me before berbuke / at kakak's =
September 5, 2008
L O V E @ L I K E
Your heart beats faster
In front of person you like
You get happy
In front of person you love
Winter seems like spring
In front of person you like
Winter is just a beautiful winter
If you look into the eyes of one you love
You blush
If you look into the eyes of one you like
You smile
In front of the person you love
You can't say everything in your mind
In front of person you like
You can show yourself
You end up comforting
When the one you love is crying
You cry with them
The feeling of love
starts from the eyes
The feeling of like
starts from the ears
So, if you stop to like the person you used to like,
all you have to do is cover your ears
But if you try to close your eyes
Love turns into a drop of tears
And remains in your heart forever
September 3, 2008
mid sem exam
shit man...i'm really lazy to do so... what the F??
dunno why... laptop jgk menjadik kegemaran ku..
browsing sane sini...
hahahaha....not even bother to open up the notes!
i thought dis subject is easy to score... 100 objective qstn..
objective is hard to score.. coz when i did it wrong, its totally wrong...
i think subjective qstn is better coz we can 'goreng2' n then kalo salah pon at least ade la jgk markah kesian lecturer tu bg kan...
tp bab nk 'goreng2' tu la yg malas...duhhh...
Date: 4th Sept 2008
Time: 5.00 pm
Venue: Dewan Tun Abdullah Muhammad Salleh (Kompleks Bestari)
ok blog... need to force myself to study... kne tutup latop ni n study! tp nnt ngantok plak..
haish...mcm2 la perangai kalo kne stdy..itu x kne ini x kne...
MIRA!! study la... mama papa marah nnt...! (nape tetibe ati aku ckp cmtu?)
k2... got to go now.. nnt mama n papa marah lak x stdy...
September 2, 2008
September 1, 2008
31 August 2008
siap2 sume dah wangi2.. g lunch kat Awwal Maju...
lapar gile dr smlm aku tahan aku nye kebulur neh..
pastu g Bangsar.. window shopping je..
coz siBF x masuk gaji lg..
sedey je..huhuhu...
jalan2 sampai lebam..ptg tu blk umah siBF..
aku, die, n his mum pegi kubur arwah bapak die kat KOSAS...
Auntie die Cik Dah pon ade skali gak time tu dr Cheras..
aku dah penah pegi dah rumah auntie die ni, so knal la..
after dat kit0rg g beli barang2 dapur for puasa kat TESCO AMPANG...
makan kat KFC, pastu tros blk coz dah lewat..
esok lak nk puase kan...
blk tros tido... zzzzzzz......
dlm kul 4 tu his mum kejut kitorg sahur...
hehehe...aku slalu ckp kat siBF ni yg aku menantu kesayangan mak die...
n siBF ni akan mencebik tanda x setuju..
Mum: Mira tu xnak air ke... nah bg air kat die.. (smbil mnghulur air kat siBF)
BF: owh...anak sendiri mak x tanye pon nak minum air ke x kan..orang lain yg mak sebok2 tnye... (muke jeles)
hahaha... dah naseb badan nak wat cmne kan B... mak u syg i lebeyh sket dr syg u...
30 August - part 2
sedey je bunyi..hahaahaha..
ramai sgt budak2 skola x ckup umo, indon bersepah kat sane tu..
mcm bkn kat negare sndiri dah aku rase..Chinese pon agak ramai ar.
after countdown tu mcm letih berdiri je..
kitrg g lepak Coffee Bean Pavillion jap...
lepak2 minum2 tggu letih ilang sket dlm pkul satu lebeyh kitorg bergerak lepak kat pulau.
mintak je ape, die payung..
hahaha..heaven utk BF je la!
sampai ke pagi...
aku, siBF, Iwan n Tasha ke satu tempat hanya kami yg tahu. =)
30 August - part 1
aku bgn agak awal dikejutkan oleh manusia2 pendengki...
huhu...x ckup tido lagi sebenarnye...4 jam je mane ckup..
kul 12 dah bgn...
lepak2 pastu kul 2 g makan kat PAH INAI - nasi ayam specialist..
mcm2 jenis n sgt sedap... dah name pon specialist kan..
comfirm la byk jenis n sedap...
lokasi die kat area seksyen 9 Bangi... blkng Pusat Perubatan An-Nur...
kedai ni sederet ng Bangi Kopitiam...
dah abes mkn blk bilik..siap2 kemas2...
dlm kul 5 lebey cmtu BF aku nk dtg amek dah utk kua celebrate malam ni...
die dtg with Iwan...aku dah taw dah kalo dtg ng Iwan ni mst kne g amik awek die kat Klang..
jangkaan aku tepat! kne g Klang...
thats all for now!
.a nite.
janji mule2 nk keluar dgn syak n dd mlm tu...
tggu punye tggu dd x lepas nk sneak out..bapak die pakcil Dell x tido2...
haih...xjd la kuar ng diorg...siBF pon ckp nk dtg sbb die nk g jumpe mmber die kat kajang.
so alang2 dtg bangi tros jumpe aku...tp tu pon x jd..
bosan ok dok bilik!!
sangap pon ade...
sangap nk keluar la kan...