Kadang2 ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan petir dan kilat, Kita tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, Rupa-rupanya ALLAH memberi kita pelangi.
December 13, 2008
tragedi banglo ranap
December 12, 2008
review movie??
December 11, 2008
wish raya
oh ye... lupe lak....
rasenye blom terlambat kot aku nk wish...
utk semua umat Islam... ;)
tiada mood
si BF stayed at my house for 4 days... sampai sabtu...
lepas tu we all the whole family tros chow blk kg for raya haji...
di kg lg le xleh nk online... time kat umah lak mst ler xde mase nk on9...
xde mase sgt...
hari2 penuh dgn aktiviti bersame si BF.. ke sane sini jalan2....
hihihihi... blk kg lak, bosan!!!! x ramai relatives yg blk...
ni pon baru je blk dr kg... penatnye still ade...penat dok dlm kete..:)
sakit pinggang belakang ku!!!!
tp nk online gak kn...tu je kot setakat ni...
so far, sgt2 lah xde mood nk mengupdate n men'snap2' gmbr untuk tatapan blog...
nak tukar background music pon malas...
December 3, 2008
BF is coming...
si Bf dtg ke rumah bakal mertua nye...???
hehehe...aah, pg jpg die nak dtg ipoh...
tido sini dlm 4 5 ari kot...
cant wait!!!
i miss him a lot!
thanx BF sbb sudi dtg...
December 2, 2008
antoo fighter???
antoo fighter ni best ke??
alamak....esok adek aku ajak g tgk cite nih...
tp mcm x nak je...
takot x best... cam cite bodo je plak kan...
huhuhu...tgk je la kot...
dah kne paksa ng papa plak nnt kan...
nnt aku wat review k...
c ya blog!
December 1, 2008
i'm home...
so boleh la aku melepak2 menyenangkan diri di rumah kan..
makan byk2... hahaha... xnak!! nnt gumok... x cantek...:P
aktiviti di rumah:
- main ps/game
- tgk tv smpai lebam (sbb dkt ukm xde tv kan)
- gado2 ng adek2 ku
- jogging
- g gym
- masak / makan
- main badminton malam2 kat dewan yg mama&papa aku sewa court nye
- jalan2
- tgk wayang
- shopping
FYI, aku kat rumah dis holiday rajen plak g exercise... nak mneguruskan badan la katekan...
hehehe...hopefully berjaya la kan.. :)
November 24, 2008
kitorang (aku, si BF, Topet) sampai mont kiara tu agak lmbt sket la...
coz kitorg g mkn dulu, pastu g lepak minum dulu ng mmber2 Topet yg x pegi kat 99...
then g anta Amoi balik rumah die dulu..
pastu dlm kul 10.30pm baru gerak from Ampang...
nak berjalan tu mmg sakit..
tu la kan ko mira, dtg lmbt lg sape suro??
kan dah kne parking jao2... hahaha..nasib badan nak wat cmne.. :p
jalan punye jalan dah smpai kat main entrance..
dengan bangga nye aku kuarkan tiket2 kitorg...
pastu org yg jage tu mintak ic...
selongkar2 beg Topet, aku n Topet x bwk wallet!
shit! sial btol la...
nak x nak kene patah blk amik ic..
tp, oleh kerana kebijakkan dan kemalasan kami nak berjalan, kami nmpk motor abg jual beger..
ape lg..mintak diorg antakan la..
yg pegi nye si BF aku la... g amek wallet2 kitorg yg tertinggal tu..
:) pastu hulor la kat mamat beger tu 10 hengget...
sape x nak kan kne offer seppuloh hengget tp bwk naek motor je kan...
free flow drinks all nite long ppl!
sape xnak kan..
siap tapau lg..
sape yg bwk beg tu mmg heaven la kan.. :)
abes event tu confirm2 la pukul 3 kan...
antara DJ yg main adalah Scot Project, Mike Koglin, & LCK... diorg nih perform solo..
best! two tumbs up!
cant wait for Cosmic Gate dis Disember!

cinta hati saya...(B pandang mane tu..tgk camera la!)
aidiel, siBF n me // dah abes freedom
2 org lelaki rapat saya selepas si BF
November 23, 2008
handphone ku...!
FYI, handphone N77 aku ilang.... adoiyai...
handphone ilang lagi...
camne nih... asik2 nak ilang je...
taun lepas time2 camni gak ilang.. aku ingt lg...
huhu...sure kene bebel ng mama papa dulu jpg..
x gtaw diorg lg sbnrnye nih... :)
cite nye camni...
smlm la time aku g FREEDOM tu...
time dlm kete on the way tu ade lg sbb aku siap msg2 ng Yanie lg...
pastu bile dah sampai, dah kat parking aku sebok2 la punggah barang2 aku dr seat depan ke but blkg...
ye la kan, takot kne pecah lak kete tu...
ha...time ni la aku rase aku cuai kot!
x sure la aku letak ke x handphone tu dlm handbag...
sbb dlm poket aku xde pape pon... kat si BF pon xde!
mebi aku letak atas but kete kot.. xpon atas bumbung kete...
ye la... byk bakti dan jasa handphone tu kat aku taw!
gambar2 weekend (jumaat) pon x transfer lg masuk lappy..
nk wat camne kan...
kene la bebel jap ng BF tu.... :P
November 21, 2008
kemas barang

kotak baru beli k...semangat nak mengemas ;)

kotak dah penuh..

sebahagian baju ku... nak masuk dlm beg! kne lipat la pulak...
brg drawer & study table..
ni pon baru sebahagian barang2 aku...
kalo yg real punye, kene angkut gune lori...
aritu papa datang pon dah bg die satu beg baju suh bwk blk..
kalo x mmg betimbun la jwbnye.. hehe..
nak tido!

tp kene kemas barang dulu... huuuwaaaa!!!
sape nak tlg???
November 20, 2008
tp ari2 ke mama call??? hehehehe...nak balik cepat, tp barang satu ape pon x kemas lg...
FYI, hostel aku duduk ni kene kosongkan sbb nak renovate...x ke payah nk kene angkut sume blk.... hesh....nasib baek ade my Mr.Handsome nak tolong angkatkan letak umah die...thanz baby!!! lebiu... *mwaaahhx*

loving u is like breathing... how could i stop?
November 19, 2008
one more to go baby!!!
wooootttt woooootttt!!!
my last examination for dis semester...
walaupun saya kene study, tp saya sempat jugak mengonline kan diri dan membebel disini ye.. :)
internet je la entertainment saya di ukm ni.. n of course la kene ade kawan2..
kalo ade internet je n xde kawan2 lagi r bapak bosan..
sempat bace blog Maisarah td... terasa la jgk ng entri die kan...
die ckp "jgn nak baca2 blog...blaja"
hahaha... hihihi...
waaaaahhhhh...ape yg sudah dibebel ini???
xde kaitan lgsung ng title... *wink*wink*
ok! gtg! dah abes bebel... hahahaha... :LOL:
Course Code: STSN 3512
Course Title: Radioecology
Date: 21st Nov 2008
Time: 08:30:00
Venue: Dewan (DECTAR)
Table No.: 415
Gudluck MIRA!!!
November 18, 2008
2nd last paper
November 17, 2008
:!: tutorial :!:

hahahaha...agak bodoh kan gambar ni?? tgk gambar ni je pon dah taw ape n no need to explain rite? :)
actually, gmbar ni curik dr blog Hisham Hashim who is one of my senior at Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi UKM...
jgn marah eh curik gmbar nih... ;)
title entri xde kaitan pon dgn gmbr..
saje je nak introduce si Hisham Hashim nih...
mm....sbenarnye nak bgtaw or dlm erti kata lain nak heboh2kan pasal blog die tu...
die byk tulis pasal komputer n photoshop la..
quite interesting aite?? mebi bg sape yg dah mahir xde rase pape la kot kan...
tp bg junior2 or amatur, blog ni bleh menjadi sbg rujukan la sket2....
aku pon tgk2 blog ni sbb nak taw psl2 komputer n photoshop...
haaa....view la blog die nih..
ok! tu je... :)
- L i m e L o l l i p o p - x o x o -
xde tajuk!
aku marah sgt2 time ni...baru je nk hepi2 ngan kengkawan ade bala plak menimpa bertimbun2...
pastu saya rasa marah sgt2... knape la xde yang leh paham???
bile saya marah/geram:
saya duduk diam2...
saya menggigil satu badan..rasa nak tumbuk je sape yg buat saya marah tu..
saya nanges... meraung kalo x tahan sangat..
saya mengamuk! terajang2 hempas2 barang...
kene dok sorang2... n then cool sendiri... tak lame pon... :)
adakah ini normal atau sesuatu yg sgt teruk???
aku ni teruk sgt ke smpai macam nih jadinye??
tp, ini hanya berlaku bile saya betul di ambang kemarahan yg teramat sgt...
seperti ape yg berlaku last saturday...
hmm.... ntah la... korang je tau kan... xkan la aku nk describe diri sendiri plak..
kalo cmtu baek aku ckp aku nih perfect je... xde cacat cela langsung kan..
November 14, 2008
:) entri khas utk Firdauz Amsah
aku terpikir nk tls entry ni sbb td ade seseorg tu tnye aku kan...
die: td aku ade bace kat blog org tu, die kate miss lappy die dah xde...so skg nih die pakai ape ek on9???
hahaha...si Ferdi a.k.a Firdauz ni ym aku td...
n then aku jawab la...aku dah lame dah amek blk si Miss Lappy ni dr umah BF aku...
x tahan ok xde entertainment kat bilik...
dah la my exam pon ade gap mcm seminggu camtu...
x ke lame nak tunggu tu kan...
mmg sangap kebosanan la saya kat bilik nih kalo ngadap buku jek...
craving for KFC...
somebody plss help me!!!
im alone in this room rite now...
starving... starving... starving...
damn hungry...
i want KFC...
aimi si Rumet went out... tp x blk2 lagi...
call die x pick up pon...
ingat nk pesan kat die je...camne nih??
sape nk tlg g beli nih??
nak mkn snack plate... nak cheezy wedges!!!
huhuhu... ;(

//aaaaa....terliur ok!//
pissed off!!
warggghhhh!!!! rase mcm nk menjerit ok!
y all of this things happened to me??
sbb ape lelaki camni ha??
btol ckp mai, ni rase mcm nk benci laki sekejap... ;(
knape ape mende yg 'die' buat sume boleh, tp bile aku nk wat jgk x boleh??
y y y y y y y ???
'die' ingt aku nih hmba die ke ha??
kne ikot ckp die je...
nk wat pe pon kene bgtaw die...
nak g mane kene tanye dulu bleyh ke x kan...
itu x leh, ini xleh...
tp kalo 'die', nak wat ape sume boleh... nak g mane x yah tanye aku pon kan...
macam ni ar lelaki...pantang bg muke, nk pijak kpale!
now nak tuduh aku macam2 kan...
B**i sgt!!!
BF, can u clear up ur mind so that u r not angry or arguing wit me anymore???
i hate u!!!
i mean it! im gonna throw away the simcard..
so i can live in a world without handphone...
n nobody can contact me anymore...erm, for now!
November 13, 2008
apabila Bahtera Norman-Abby dipukul gelora

Norman salah seratus peratus!!!
this is from women side... abby baru lepas bersalin dah bwat hal??? nmpk sgt sebelum Abby bersalin die dah ade scandal ng si Memey tu...
Abby tu dah ckup baek kot utk Norman tu... tp tergamak lg si Norman wat mcm2 kat Abby...
FYI, aku sgt mengikuti kisah diorg nih k... start from Melodi... dua2 minggu berturut2 aku tggu melodi sbb cerita panas nih!
Geram ok ng Norman tu! kalo laki aku, aku dah pukul2 dah kot.. x pon bunuh je...
Abby, u deserve a better man in ur life.. =)
Peace no war!
November 11, 2008

baby, u're not close enuf until I can feel ur heart beating <3
November 10, 2008
ari ahad...9 nov...
nothing much...
mcm hang out weekend je...
we (me & my BF) had lunch together with Muna & Zaty at si BF place...
kenyang gile ok... byk plak lauk2 nye... :)
bab2 makan nih mmg aku suke...
then bleyh plak aku tetido lepas tgk melodi.. hahaha...
gemok gile kan??!! pas mkn tido...
then dlm 2.45pm si BF kejut aku bgn tido sbb die suh g luar sembang2 ng Topet..
sbb nye si BF tgh mandi time tu... terjerit2 panggil aku... kaco la ko!!!
aku ng mamai2 nye g la living room sembang2 ng Topet...
pas borak2, aku kemas2 barang aku sbb aku nk blk UKM dah...
dah name pon ari ahad kan...
so kne blk UKM ar sbb esok tu BF ku yg terchenta ni pon nk keje dah kan...
so xkan la aku nk melepak sorang2 kat umah die ngadap muke kucing2 n muke mak die je...
mcm segan gak la even aku dah rapat ng his mom tu...
n then around 4pm cmtu Muna & Zaty dtg blk to our place... diorg smbung sembang lg...
then bincang2 nk watpe, sume ckp lepak BB je ar..
nak lepak mane lg kan kat kl nih..
pikir punye pikir, mule2 ingt nk g shopping2 je n jalan2 kat Pavillion...
n tgk pakcik Jebon nye muveee...
tp aku nk shopping pon x berapa masyuk kan, so mcm xde mood sgt la...
si Zaty sorg je yg berduit byk ha...
so kitorang wat pilihan antara muvee n karaoke je..
then we decided to go to Karaoke at Imbi...
berbagai2 mknn dan minuman di bawa masuk..
KFC feveretku pon ade...
hahahahaha...makan lagi....
mira mira, macamane la ko x naek berat badan ko skrg...
BF ko sumbat2 ng makanan...hehehe...
tu la kadang2 org ckp kalo hepi, ati senang, berat pon naek kan...
itu la aku...sebijik camtu...
last2 end up dok kat karaoke smpai kul 9 lebeyh2...
sampai sakit tekak2 aku melalak...
mcm2 lagu aku bedal... tp, sistem baru kat Imbi tu macam F**k gak...
kejap2 ade je lagu yg x appear.. x pon keluar mcm cd calar la..
haish.... x suke.. potong stim je!
lagu2 FEVERET yg wajib dinyanyikan:
my mr.handsome: I DONT WANNA MISS A THING
walaupun aku x de la power sgt nk melalak nih...tp aku nk gak nyanyi lagu Mengapa yg tggi gile note die tu....
hahaha...aku melalak, sore aku, korang peduli ape kan..??
thanx to all my sayangssss yg menghabiskan masa bersamaku di hari2 terakhirku di KL sebelum aku blk ke bangi...:)
My Day

-he completes me in every way... i heart u!-
credit to: Mr.Handsome, Big Bro Topet, Awie & Lil Sis Yanie

October 26, 2008
off blogging for a while..
i'm gonna stop blogging for a while... maybe for three weeks cuz my final exam is just around the corner..
gonna send my miss lappy n the broadband to my BF's house... so i will not on9 anymore n will not watching movies anymore as there are so many new movies in my miss lappy n my external hard disk....
so, m gonna concentrate to my final exam first!!!
then baru bley enjoy2 xaxau2 balik k peeps...
miss my BF so much...
October 23, 2008
awal pagi plak tu...kul 11 da smpai...sangap dok mengadap dinding bilik. ;)
went there just to relax my mind...shopping a bit... watching movie... KAMI the movie...

ade kne mengena ke gmbr ni?? ade kot... ;)
sooo cant wait for fridayyy!!!
October 20, 2008
damn busy
currently busy with assignment, and midsem...
dis week got 2 mid sems to sit...
-tourism geoscience
-adv. nuclear physics
name subjek pon mcm dah memuntahkan, apetah lg kalo stdy..
cant write... cant think...
bluurrr.... need to study..but, lazy!
final pon dah dekat... lagi la kene pulun...haih~
cepat la abes midsem... cepat la sampai dis week...
really need some refreshment!
c ya blog!
October 14, 2008
A Story of Condom
(copied from bulletin at Friendster)
A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks...
Boy: What are these, Dad?
Dad: Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex.
Boy: Oh I see... (pensively). Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school.
He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks...
Boy: Why are there 3 in this package?
Dad: Those are for high school boys, ONE for Friday, ONE for Saturday, and ONE for Sunday.
Boy: Cool!!
He notices a 6 pack and asks...
Boy: Then who are these for?
Dad: Those are for college men...TWO for Friday, TWO for Saturday, and TWO for Sunday.
Boy: WOW!! Then who uses THESE? (picking up a 12 pack!)
Dad: Those are for the married men. ONE for January, ONE for February, ONE for March....etc..
now u realize why condoms come i box of 3, 6 and 12 aite???
last nyte went out with BF to midvalley...
picked him up at his office since i drove his car back to UKM at around 5.30pm...
hujan sgt2 la lebat...
g midvalley, BF ni nak sgt2 tgk DISASTER MOVIE...
i'm like... wtf!!!
cerite ni download je la... xpon beli dvd rm10 je.
its not worth it la kalo tgk kat wayang weyh...!!
cerita yg mcm dah xde idea baru sgt nk wat movie... so ciplak idea2 org laen, n combine...
geram aku dibuatnye...
nak x nak hv to follow the BF la kan...

-DISASTER MOVIE yg sgt men'disaster'kan aku-
jalan2 survey for new perfume...
new intense euphoria from CK's fabulous i think...
craving for it!!
duet2!!! nak beli perfume baru....!!! urrrgghhhh!!!
October 12, 2008
too sensitive
too easily get mad
...I ALWAYS...
make u pissed off
rise my voice
hit u
slapped ur face
didn't admit my mistake
merajuk lame2
i know u dont like it...
i'm sorry again my dear...
miss u a lot!!!
October 11, 2008
got plan with syakeera at 11... but y she didnt call me??
called syak n tell her that i juz woke up...we met around 1...
went to kajang to pick my BF...
he park his car at Aboy's house...
- camwhoring dulu ye sbelum ke mane2- ;)
today got so many open house that we need to attend!!!
first, we went to Am's house at Segambut...
sampai2 ujan la pulak...
kesian Am terpaksa jemput we all dengan payung..macam pengantin la pulak kan...
kat situ ade nasi beriyani and sate only...
the nasi beriyani was great tho...i only eat that....
save my other stomach for Ja's open house at Kota Damansara..=)
arrived at Ja's around 5:30pm...
kat sane ade Mirul, Ayen, n Tiqah...!!!
Roza n Ila dah blk time aku smpai tu...
its been a long time i didnt meet Tiqah...
so, a lots of story came out... nonstopable ppl!!!
smbil sembang sambil mkn... mane la x gemuk kan... :)
i ate satay, n mee kari...it was awesome baby!!!
rase mcm nk tapau aje mee kari tu...
last2, Ja tapaukan aku Choc Moist cake...ok la kan...
dah besar2 pon mak Ja kasi duet raye...RM10...
thanx Auntie!!!!
-tiqah-ayen-me- // lepas mkn at ja's house
-dah nak blk dah-
the BF and Mirul jd cameraman... ;)
we all blah at 7pm... jalan jam like sh*t...
mm....btw, sorry Dazwan...we cant attend ur open house...coz we r a bit rushing today...
till we meet next post!
October 9, 2008
long long time...
it is becoz i left my broadband in my room at ukm...
2 weeks kat rumah without internet..
bapa mati kutu sgt2...
harapkan tv, cd, ps...
itu je la entertainment dlm umah...
kalo nk keluar hari2 pon kopak juge dwet ku...
act, lots of things n stories i wanna write here..
mm...kalo nk cite mende2 yg dah lepas pon rase mcm dah basi je...
so, x yah cite la ek blog...=)
kite cite mende2 baru je k pasni...
September 19, 2008
no updates
September 15, 2008
.sembang s a h u r.

September 14, 2008
kan aku dah ckp....
SABTU... bgn pon dah pukul 12 kan....
on9 on9 sampai lebam...
pukul 3 siap2 si BF dtg amek...
went to KLCC... jalan2 pusing2 BF cr baju raya....
masuk Quicksilver, Topshop, AX, Philosophy dan macam2 lg...
n then kami berbuka di food court RASA ape tah name die..
kat atas skali KLCC tu... broke, so buke kat food court je...
hahahahaha... =) both of us mkn nasi ayam je sbb terlalu byk menu..
so x taw nk pilih mane satu...

mmm..sempat jgk la aku bergado ng BF b4 buke tu...=)
mira mira.... sume salah aku sbnrnye.. aku yg cr psl...
tp aku taw die xkan marah aku lebeyh2...=)
bcoz he loves me more than i love him...
after buke tu, went to the toilet!!! around 7.45pm
waaa!!!! tidak.. big NO NO NO!!!
aku period...xtaw la pose aku td tu batal ke x kan...
nasib baik aku bwk pad...settle!
after dat went tu Hospital Ampang Putri...
kawan si BF baru lepas operate tulang belakang...
lepak2 sembang2 tny khabar....
then blah pegi wangsa maju plak rumah Awal..
yang kawen aritu....saje je nk tgk gmbr kawen.
hehehe.... then me chow balik Bangi alone..
si BF x larat nk hantar so he gave me his car.
blk bilik on9 n bloging!
end of the day...
September 13, 2008
weekend lagi...
my plan for this weekend:
- finish up the lab reports... 4 experiments ok!! need to be submit on next Friday.but i plan to finish it earlier bcoz i got 2 mid sem exam next week. so i got more time to study...hopefully!
- study!!! ATOMIC PHYSICS n RADIOEKOLOGI r waiting for u gurl.
but i dont think its gonna work... hahahaha... semua itu kurang menarik minat saya!!!!
on9, blogging, watching movies, hang out with BF, n etc. are more interesting.
for 2 days for weekend is not enuf... need 20 days for weekend every weeks!! hahaha...
how come it wanna be like that ppl???
i dun hv enuf time to study, to on9, to hang out with BF!!!!
not enuf not enuf not enuf!!!
inilah mira yg tamak...
September 12, 2008
September 10, 2008
September 9, 2008
no title
i've spend the weekend at BF's house...
Saturday... went to the saloon...
got new hair peeps!!!
the BF also coloured his hair... but he was a lil bit upset coz his hair colour was not end up like a bright colour that he wanted.
that was a dull one.. hahaha..pity u..
i told u already tat u dont have to colour ur hair since u got a golden highlights.
a really nice highlights.. but u're stubborn. dont want to listen to me.
now u see what happened.. PADAN MUKA!
= si BF before he colour his hair =
= si BF & me / after saloon =

we had buke puasa together at a restaurant around Ampang.
forgot the restaurant's name.
aiyoo..blom tua lg dah pelupe.
then we went to klcc...
jalan2 window shopping and then end up lepak at Coffee Bean again n again!!!!!
= si BF with his cookies =
= my choc chip muffin =
then we went to Danau Kota with Jeff, Nashrul n Amy.
diorang beli itu ini sket.
aku beli asam jeruk je..hahahaha...jalan2 sambil makan2 jeruk tu. abes jugak!
blk tu ingat nk lepak makan nasi lemak at Bunga Raya, tp ramai org plak, mls nk cr parking.
then kitorg tros blah blk ampang.
Sunday... his mom kejut me bgn sahur but i am really tired to wake up since i just sleep. bgn minum air and makan roti bun je. xde selera nk join BF n his mom makan nasi.
tido blk....zzzzzz......
bangun around 12 pm! hahaha... seorg perempuan di rumah bakal mertuanya bgn selewat ini??? memalukan!!! ape la ko nih MIRA...
went to the saloon again to steam the hair.
after dat teman siBF beli2 baju at Sg. Wang.
then pegi Bazaar Ramadhan. the BF call it Pasar Juadah..hahaha..
first time dgr org panggil mcm tu...=)
we had buke puase at Damansara.. siBF punye kakak's house. wit his mom also..
we bought kueh tepung pelita n popia goreng...
tepung pelita itu sungguh2 sedap dah melazatkan!
buke puase mkn nasi lemak n spagheti...
time berbuke tu bley plak si Effy (kakak's son) menjerit2 takotkan kelkatu yg sesat dari mane tah.sekor je plak tu.
*mummy, im scared.*
*no need to scared boy... it won't bite u. just finish ur spagheti*
*i dont want this. i want meggi*
time berbuke bley mintak meggi..?? hahahaha..
haih, kalo aku ade anak macam ni, sabar je la... dah la comel je...
si Effy ni mmg speaking kat rumah.
and die nih sgt2 lah manja okay.
lepaked at kakak's house till 11pm then the BF sent me back to UKM Bangi.
his mom sempat tapau me the spagheti for sahur. yummy! thanx Su for the nice spagheti..
FYI, Su is the maid at kakak's. She is a Indonesian. she made the spagheti.
= me before berbuke / at kakak's =
September 5, 2008
L O V E @ L I K E
Your heart beats faster
In front of person you like
You get happy
In front of person you love
Winter seems like spring
In front of person you like
Winter is just a beautiful winter
If you look into the eyes of one you love
You blush
If you look into the eyes of one you like
You smile
In front of the person you love
You can't say everything in your mind
In front of person you like
You can show yourself
You end up comforting
When the one you love is crying
You cry with them
The feeling of love
starts from the eyes
The feeling of like
starts from the ears
So, if you stop to like the person you used to like,
all you have to do is cover your ears
But if you try to close your eyes
Love turns into a drop of tears
And remains in your heart forever
September 3, 2008
mid sem exam
shit man...i'm really lazy to do so... what the F??
dunno why... laptop jgk menjadik kegemaran ku..
browsing sane sini...
hahahaha....not even bother to open up the notes!
i thought dis subject is easy to score... 100 objective qstn..
objective is hard to score.. coz when i did it wrong, its totally wrong...
i think subjective qstn is better coz we can 'goreng2' n then kalo salah pon at least ade la jgk markah kesian lecturer tu bg kan...
tp bab nk 'goreng2' tu la yg malas...duhhh...
Date: 4th Sept 2008
Time: 5.00 pm
Venue: Dewan Tun Abdullah Muhammad Salleh (Kompleks Bestari)
ok blog... need to force myself to study... kne tutup latop ni n study! tp nnt ngantok plak..
haish...mcm2 la perangai kalo kne stdy..itu x kne ini x kne...
MIRA!! study la... mama papa marah nnt...! (nape tetibe ati aku ckp cmtu?)
k2... got to go now.. nnt mama n papa marah lak x stdy...